TTG Weekly Update 7-8-2022

Jim K and Morgan discuss the Jobs Report, the 10-year US Treasury Rate, and more.

TTG Weekly Update 7-1-2022

Morgan discusses the events of the past quarter including interest rate increases, bear market rallies, and falling consumer confidence.

TTG Weekly Update 6-24-2022

Jim and Jim discuss market support and resistance levels, and the 10-year Treasury Yield.

TTG Weekly Update 6-17-2022

Jim K and Morgan talk about the negatives and positives of the market, and the important role of bonds in your portfolio.

TTG Weekly Update 6-3-2022

Jim K discusses market sentiment and some market leaders’ expectations.

TTG Weekly Update 5-27-2022

Jim and Morgan discuss a recent add to many of your portfolios, and the risk of gambling in the market.

TTG Weekly Update 5-20-2022

Morgan discusses retail earnings results and TTG’s position as investors, not traders.

TTG Weekly Update 5-13-2022

Jim discusses some of the characteristics of a bear market and TTG’s keys for success.

TTG Weekly Update 5-6-2022

Jim and Jim discuss the market’s reaction to another interest rate increase.

TTG Weekly Update 4-29-2022

Jim and Morgan discuss the volatility and the buying opportunities it creates.