TTG Weekly Update 1-10-2025

Jim discusses diversification and return projections across different portfolio types.

TTG Weekly Update 1-3-2025

Morgan discusses the fourth quarter of 2024 and your TTG quarterly reports.

TTG Weekly Update 12-27-2024

Jim discusses the importance of diversification, when it comes to portfolios providing income to its owner.

TTG Weekly Update 12-13-2024

Jim discusses today’s inflation and historical inflation data.

TTG Weekly Update 12-6-2024

Jim and Morgan discuss tax-loss selling, the jobs report, and risk premium.

TTG Weekly Update 11-22-2024

Jim discusses why the market has got it wrong.

TTG Weekly Update 11-15-2024

Jim and Morgan discuss historical returns following peak rates and earnings.

TTG Weekly Update 11-8-2024

Jim discusses interest rates and the National Debt.

TTG Weekly Update 11-1-2024

Jim and Morgan discuss interest rates, fixed income, and economic data.

TTG Weekly Update 10-25-2024

Jim and Jim discuss earnings, interest rates, and offer a reminder to create your Advyzon credentials or give us a call.